Learn Arbitration vocabulary online in an intensive One to One course.
Course details
TopicsCases in Arbitration
The focus will be on vocabulary, not on grammar.
Vocabulary about (selection):
- Declaration of enforceability of a judgment
- Double exequatur
- International treaties
- Doctrine of merger
- Brussels Convention
- Challenge of an arbitrator
- Impartiality
- Breach of the duty of disclosure
- Right to judicial protection under the Basic Law
- Compulsory arbitration
- Judicial review of an arbitral award
Notice: The course sets out to provide students with the German legal language, not with legal contents. The fields of law are just being used in order to train the legal language. The teacher doesn´t give any legal advice.
Date: by arrangement
Format: One to One/online course/MS Teams
Time and duration: 10 sessions of 60/90 minutes
Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 1
Fee: €1,065/€1,600